Excess Baggage Secondhand Market

Dear Members and Friends
The BrisWest Centre is organising secondhand markets, next date 8.October 2022
we hope to have lots of stallholders ready to share their secondhand goodies with you!
This is your chance to rifle through those cupboards, wardrobes and drawers and bring your no-longer-needed treasures to find new homes.
That’s right, it’s time to turn your ‘trash’ into someone else’s ‘treasure’ at the Excess Baggage Paddington
Please join us to sell some of your ‘Excess Baggage’ or to enjoy a great day of music, food and coffee and excellent bargains.
To find out more, click here for our Facebook link.
or click here for Eventbrite for tickets.
We have been organising the Excess Baggage Secondhand Markets since 2015 as a fundraising initiative. All profits are used for the refurbishment and maintenance of the BrisWest Centre, which is an important community facility.